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Beeing in Devon we must protect our wild life

The COVID 19 virus lock down has brought many people & businesses to a standstill. We are all wondering what the futureholds for our local community & businesses. At the end of lock down will we have a general rush to purchase & consume, or will we have learnt a lesson from the hold on pollution & its pleasant effect on our air, water & clear skies? Will people now understand that over-consumerism in a financially driven world is the down fall of humanity & wild life as it is known today? Will people have realised that we only have this one beautiful world which desperately needs to be preserved.

Bees are a great indicator of a healthy world; so when man made pollution & humanity's insane destruction of the world's wild life including insects causes the massive destruction of bio-diversity & animal life it is then that the bees suffer. Pollution, disease, the unnatural arrival of an extremely aggressive asian hornet kill millions of swarms of honey bees, bumble bees & insects each year. Such phenomena are a sure sign that we as a nation -in the only world we will ever have- must seize the opportunity of saying STOP, THAT'S ENOUGH.

ENOUGH destruction for financial gains.

Preserve nature, our countryside, our wild life, our insect world, frogs & toads, lizards , foxes & badgers & all the other wonderful animals that we know as part of our own culture. Can we imagine no longer having animals to inspire books such as Wind in the Willows.....


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