Maybe some of you have a sweet tooth, of course on a web site dedicated to honey that should be pretty normal!!! Just teasing you of course we all love our desserts, so to start the New Year 2023 with some good news why not try my Winter Apple Tart, made in France!
Pastry base for wheat lovers:
- 180 gr wholemeal flour
- 90 gr butter/marg (organic)
- 1 egg
- large pinch of salt
- 15-20 gr brown sugar
- Apple puree, homemade preferably
- 500 - 800 gr apples
- Sugar to taste & almond flakes (optional)
- 2 tablespoons of honey
Gluten- free Pastry base :
60 gr Engrain flour, 60 gr cornflour
60 gr rice flour (whole or semi)**
90 gr butter or organic marg.
1 egg & large pinch of salt
15- 20 gr brown sugar
2 tablespoons of honey
Apple puree
500 - 800 gr apples
Sugar to taste & almond flakes (optional)
Make your pasty in the usual way, instead of adding water add the egg; leave to stand for 10 mins.
For the gluten free flour mix, mix well before using; when rolling out do so on a flexible sheet specially for rolling out pasty or on a sheet of sulferised paper.
To place the pasty in the oven dish, place the dish over the pasty & with a quick movement turn all upside down so that the pasty lands in the dish, turn over & trim accordingly. The only precaution to take with the gluten-free flour mixture is to make sure the pasty doesn't break up & crumble. Once gluten-freed pasty is made it may crumble (depends on the flour mix) when cutting the tart up, so take care when serving.
Cook the base for 10-12 mins in an over 180 °C then remove and add the filling
Prepare the apples and cut into slices of equal shapes and sizes as far as possible. However weird shapes want spoil the taste!!!
Apple puree : spread over the base to a thickness according to whether you
want it to be less crisp with more apples.
Place the apple slices onto the puree in circles,
Add brown sugar or jam glazing
Sprinkle with almond flakes & a little icing sugar
Cook for about 30-35 mins in the oven 180°C.